Overuse of health care

Dear Colleagues,
I am gauging interest in establishing a workgroup interested in measurement of low value care (or overuse of healthcare) in EHR data. My team and I have expertise in measurement of low value care with claims data but not with EHR data, which presents interesting challenges. The OMOP CDM would be a great place to start this work and then disseminate resources across healthcare systems for both quality improvement activities and for primary research.
Please respond to this post with your expected level of interest (very interested, maybe).

With thanks,
Jodi Segal, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University


“Low value care” - love it. Is “denied” and “delayed” care part of it? (This is only partially a bad joke).

@jodi.segal: the way this community works, in my experience, is that you have to give them more to engage: A synopsis of the study, some pep talk how this is important and will publish, all that. Then, you still want to ping individual people and sell the idea, and triangulate more potential participants. I know, it shouldn’t be that way. But there are plenty of collaborators and plenty of data. You could even do international comparisons and create a really good and meaningful result.

Thanks so much for the encouragement and recommendation!