What are the seminal/outstanding/exceptional/notable papers/books/other publications that show the importance of health care informatics? Publications that show where data have been used to create exceptional benefits and outcomes? Publications that relate to OHDSI and publications that pre-date OHDSI? What are the earliest examples of public health information having impact? What are other areas of study where population data have had exceptional beneficial impact (I’m thinking there are examples in social inequities and civil rights)?
Also, what are the publications you should know backwards and forwards if you would like to talk about OMOP intelligently? What are the publications you should also probably be aware of and read in your copious free time?
@greshje.gmail, this is my favorite topic to see on the forum threads because I hear it as, “OUTSTANDING PUBLICATIONS!”
@CraigSachson has done an exceptional job of creating highlight reels for some of our latest and greatest. Sometimes he even does Tweetorials with lead authors. Those are my personal favorite!
A few one stop shops:
The OHDSI Annual Report from 2021 has a really nice Methods Research section that has some of our best in show publications.
The Book of OHDSI - Chapter 1 has some great citations that could be added to your reading list as your time and energy permit.
I heard a rumor that @Paul_Nagy was mining PubMed for his dashboards. He might have some ideas on evergreen places as we evolve.
We should talk about this in @nigehughes 's Education WG too. Lots of people have different lists and we might curate these by personas.