I am running Achilles the first time to generate an Achilles analysis. It successfully generates the first part (Achilles results) but I get a SQL error when it is working on the Achilles Heel results.
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
insert into results.ACHILLES_results_derived (statistic_value,measure_id)
SELECT CAST(100.0*count_value/statistic.total_pts AS FLOAT) as statistic_value,
CAST(CONCAT(‘ach_’, CONCAT(CAST(analysis_id as VARCHAR(10)), ‘:Percentage’)) AS VARCHAR(100)) as measure_id
FROM results.achilles_results
cross join (SELECT count_value as total_pts FROM results.achilles_results r WHERE analysis_id =1 )
WHERE analysis_id in (2000,2001,2002,2003)
The error is the italicised as in the above statement. This is illegal in Oracle.
How can I change the sql that will be generated?
Is there a database setting I can use to make Oracle ignore the as?