Opportunities at ICHPS 2023


Our colleague @retzioni is helping to coordinate the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics, scheduled to take place in Scottsdale, AZ, USA in Jan 3-11, 2023. The ICHPS conference includes various submission formats for presentation and discussion. Ruth thought this could be a valuable venue for the OHDSI community to participate and contribute. If you think you are interested, I encourage you to reply here, and if there are multiple folks interested in collaborating on a workshop, then we can coordinate.


Thanks @Patrick_Ryan ! ICHPS is the health policy conference of the American Statistical Association. Our next ICHPS will be January 8-11 2023. Our theme is “Upgrading the pipeline from health data to health policy,” and we are hoping to offer an OHDSI workshop - part tutorial, part research studies. This would be maybe a two-hour session (could also be longer) on the first day of the conference which focuses on continuing education. We are also open for invited session submissions and I’d be happy to share that announcement if you are interested. Please see the 2020 conference website (2023 is coming) for more info. You will see that the range of topics covered is highly overlapping with OHDSI’s portfolio of interests. If you would be up for working with me to put this together, I would love to hear from you. Thank you!

@bnhamlin – is this up your alley? :wink:

very interesting. Certainly something that I am familiar with (and by that I mean struggle with every workday)

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