Oncology WG Study: Chemotherapy Records Extraction and Treatment Patterns in Patient with Cancer

Hi everyone,

I’m Hokyun in Ajou university, South Korea. We conducted a study that extract regimen-level chemotherapy records from the drug exposure in CDM database, create an episode table, and visualize treatment patterns and pathways. In addition, based on the extracted data, we analyzed the onset timing of neutropenia for iteration of chemotherapy.

We are now finding more participants who wants to reproduce this study and share the results.
All the codes for study are shared on this link.

As a result of the study, you can obtain

(1) ‘Episode’ table with chemotherapy records and ‘Episode Event’ table for patients with colorectal, breast, lung cancer.
(2) Dashboard html file for treatment patterns and neutropenia onset timing visualization.

If you want to join us, please contact me : neal1202@ajou.ac.kr

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