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OMOP Domain for Assessment Scales (LOINC Survey Class, SNOMED Staging and Scales)

@Christian_Reich, @MPhilofsky -

Currently any assessment scale that is encoded in source data using a LOINC code will go to the Measurement table, and any assessment encoded using a SNOMED concept id will go to the Observation table.

Would it be possible to select a domain for all assessments, and assign concepts from both LOINC and SNOMED to the same domain?



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Correction -

It’s the opposite.

LOINC survey concepts are currently in the Observation domain and SNOMED staging and scale concepts in the Measurement domain.

Ouch. Thanks for catching that.

Can you drop examples?

You bet.

A secondary issue is that the concepts for the assessments themselves are both flagged as standard when the same assessment is in both SNOMED and LOINC.

Here are a few examples of the assessment scale/ instrument concepts:

Here are a few examples of the score concepts:

Thanks for looking at this @Christian_Reich
