OMOP CDM / infrastructure publication opportunity


On this week’s call, @schillil and @bcs raised the idea that there could be value in a OHDSI collaborative paper submisssion on the OMOP common data model v5 and the technical infrastructure for OHDSI analytics. I think it sounds like a good idea and a useful contribution. Is there interest from the community in taking this on? If so, who would like to lead this and who else would like to contribute? If we’re envisioning this for AMIA, we’ve got 4 weeks from today.

The question was asked what is a useful paper to cite about the use of the OMOP CDM. We discussed some of the publications that compare different models. One addition to that discussion: We had mentioned it several months ago, but now the article is officially available online:

Congratulations again to @ericaVoss and my entire Janssen team for leading this effort. This JAMIA paper will be important for sustaining our internal support for our infrastructure, though I’d love to see another paper that would span across the entire OHDSI distributed data network. Doing so will require active participation from all of you to share your experiences and contribute summary results to a project of shared interest so we can demonstrate our technical capability through a meaningful clinical question.




@Patrick_Ryan, congratulations indeed on the JAMIA paper, especially to @ericaVoss . This is clearly a foundational reference for forthcoming OHDSI papers.

I would be happy to contribute to an AMIA infrastructure paper if someone takes the helm. To facilitate this whole process, I have start a dedicated AMIA 2015 Wiki page with links out to Google Docs for collaborative manuscript development. So far, its just got the Systems Demonstration I mentioned the other day. Please add more!

(Maybe we should have this in general for PoPa’s?)

I’m happy to lead or co-lead this effort. I cannot code, but I can write and it was something I had promised to do for CDMv4 that I never followed through to completion. I’ll add to Jon’s AMIA wiki page.

Erica, et al - I read the first half of your paper over breakfast-- nicely done!