OHDSI Weekly Digest - 11Jul2016


Patient-Level Prediction working group meeting - Wednesday from 12-1pm ET
Joing the meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/972917661

Architecture working group meeting - Thursday from 1-2pm
Join the Webex: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/mw0401lsp13/mywebex/default.do?service=1&main_url=%2Fmc0901lsp13%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Djjconferencing%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D283835502%26MTID%3Dmb7e839a762fbdaab0608f27500679223%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAALN0cAEoYypZD0FLlSTucGjiYMi0Jtc0aswBjTXyAgSWKQK7Y5vkbh5XEyTNltfEKaifFNjSDCDBoLRT5dd5cFq0%26FrameSet%3D2&siteurl=jjconferencing&nomenu=true
Join by phone:

  • Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-5659999 (US)
  • Call-in number: 1-617-9392838 (US)
  • Attendee access code: 498 480 37


OHDSI Symposium 2016 - REGISTER NOW!
Mark your calendars! The second annual OHDSI Symposium will take place on Friday, September 23rd 2016 at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC. Registration is now open:

OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Tutorial registration will open on Friday, July 15th
Tutorial sessions will take place on Saturday, September 24th at the Washington Hilton. There will be 4 half-day tutorials offered and one full-day tutorial.
Morning tutorials (8am-12pm) :
Common Data Model & Extract-Transform-Load (ETL)
Standardized Vocabularies
Afternoon tutorials (1-5pm) :
Cohort Definitions
OHDSI Technology Stack
Full-day tutorial (8am-5pm) :
Population-level Estimation for Medical Product Safety Surveillance and Comparative Effectiveness Research


Temporal biomedical data analytics

Bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus: evidence for disease-modifying effects and treatment implications.

Causal Inference for Meta-Analysis and Multi-Level Data Structures, with Application to Randomized Studies of Vioxx.

Impact of continuity of care on preventable hospitalization and evaluating patient safety indicators between Italy and the USA.

Leveraging 3D chemical similarity, target and phenotypic data in the identification of drug-protein and drug-adverse effect associations.

Big Data and Adverse Drug Reaction Detection.