Patient-Level Prediction working group meeting - Wednesday from 12-1pm ET
Joing the meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/972917661
Architecture working group meeting - Thursday from 1-2pm
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OHDSI Symposium 2016 - REGISTER NOW!
Mark your calendars! The second annual OHDSI Symposium will take place on Friday, September 23rd 2016 at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC. Registration is now open:
OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Tutorial registration will open on Friday, July 15th
Tutorial sessions will take place on Saturday, September 24th at the Washington Hilton. There will be 4 half-day tutorials offered and one full-day tutorial.
Morning tutorials (8am-12pm) :
Common Data Model & Extract-Transform-Load (ETL)
Standardized Vocabularies
Afternoon tutorials (1-5pm) :
Cohort Definitions
OHDSI Technology Stack
Full-day tutorial (8am-5pm) :
Population-level Estimation for Medical Product Safety Surveillance and Comparative Effectiveness Research
Temporal biomedical data analytics
Bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus: evidence for disease-modifying effects and treatment implications.
EF Charles, CG Lambert and B Kerner,
International journal of bipolar disorders , Dec 2016
Bipolar disorder refers to a group of chronic psychiatric disorders of mood and energy levels. While dramatic psychiatric symptoms dominate the acute phase of the diseases, the chronic course is often determined by an increasing burden of co-occurring medical conditions. High rates of diabetes mellitus in patients with bipolar disorder are particularly striking, yet unexplained. Treatment and lifestyle factors could play a significant role, and some studies also suggest shared pathophysiology and risk factors.In this systematic literature review, we explored data around the relationship between bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus in recently published population-based cohort studies with special focus on the elderly.A systematic search in the PubMed database for the combined terms "bipolar disorder" AND "elderly" AND "diabetes" in papers published between January 2009 and December 2015 revealed 117 publications; 7 studies were large cohort studies, and therefore, were included in our review.We found that age- and gender- adjusted risk for diabetes mellitus was increased in patients with bipolar disorder and vice versa (odds ratio range between 1.7 and 3.2).Our results in large population-based cohort studies are consistent with the results of smaller studies and chart reviews. Even though it is likely that heterogeneous risk factors may play a role in diabetes mellitus and in bipolar disorder, growing evidence from cell culture experiments and animal studies suggests shared disease mechanisms. Furthermore, disease-modifying effects of bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus on each other appear to be substantial, impacting both treatment response and outcomes.The risk of diabetes mellitus in patients with bipolar disorder is increased. Our findings add to the growing literature on this topic. Increasing evidence for shared disease mechanisms suggests new disease models that could explain the results of our study. A better understanding of the complex relationship between bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus could lead to novel therapeutic approaches and improved outcomes.
Causal Inference for Meta-Analysis and Multi-Level Data Structures, with Application to Randomized Studies of Vioxx.
M Sobel, D Madigan and W Wang,
Psychometrika , 2017 06
We construct a framework for meta-analysis and other multi-level data structures that codifies the sources of heterogeneity between studies or settings in treatment effects and examines their implications for analyses. The key idea is to consider, for each of the treatments under investigation, the subject's potential outcome in each study or setting were he to receive that treatment. We consider four sources of heterogeneity: (1) response inconsistency, whereby a subject's response to a given treatment would vary across different studies or settings, (2) the grouping of nonequivalent treatments, where two or more treatments are grouped and treated as a single treatment under the incorrect assumption that a subject's responses to the different treatments would be identical, (3) nonignorable treatment assignment, and (4) response-related variability in the composition of subjects in different studies or settings. We then examine how these sources affect heterogeneity/homogeneity of conditional and unconditional treatment effects. To illustrate the utility of our approach, we re-analyze individual participant data from 29 randomized placebo-controlled studies on the cardiovascular risk of Vioxx, a Cox-2 selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug approved by the FDA in 1999 for the management of pain and withdrawn from the market in 2004.
Impact of continuity of care on preventable hospitalization and evaluating patient safety indicators between Italy and the USA.
S Syed-Abdul, U Iqbal and YC Li,
International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care , Sep 2016
Leveraging 3D chemical similarity, target and phenotypic data in the identification of drug-protein and drug-adverse effect associations.
S Vilar and G Hripcsak,
Journal of cheminformatics , 2016
Drug-target identification is crucial to discover novel applications for existing drugs and provide more insights about mechanisms of biological actions, such as adverse drug effects (ADEs). Computational methods along with the integration of current big data sources provide a useful framework for drug-target and drug-adverse effect discovery.In this article, we propose a method based on the integration of 3D chemical similarity, target and adverse effect data to generate a drug-target-adverse effect predictor along with a simple leveraging system to improve identification of drug-targets and drug-adverse effects. In the first step, we generated a system for multiple drug-target identification based on the application of 3D drug similarity into a large target dataset extracted from the ChEMBL. Next, we developed a target-adverse effect predictor combining targets from ChEMBL with phenotypic information provided by SIDER data source. Both modules were linked to generate a final predictor that establishes hypothesis about new drug-target-adverse effect candidates. Additionally, we showed that leveraging drug-target candidates with phenotypic data is very useful to improve the identification of drug-targets. The integration of phenotypic data into drug-target candidates yielded up to twofold precision improvement. In the opposite direction, leveraging drug-phenotype candidates with target data also yielded a significant enhancement in the performance.The modeling described in the current study is simple and efficient and has applications at large scale in drug repurposing and drug safety through the identification of mechanism of action of biological effects.
Big Data and Adverse Drug Reaction Detection.
R Harpaz, W DuMochel and NH Shah,
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics , Mar 2016
Big Data holds the promise of fundamentally transforming the manner in which adverse drug reactions can be identified and evaluated. This commentary discusses new data sources that are envisioned to form a Big Data-enabled pharmacovigilance system and the role of these data in powering the future of adverse drug reactions detection.