OHDSI Tutorial in Korea - October 23rd, 2019

An OHDSI Tutorial around how to run a network study is going to be held in Korea on October 23rd from 9 AM - 5 PM. This is a very basic tutorial where we have invited different Korean professors to talk about how they ran their studies using Atlas in the morning. In the afternoon, the students will have a chance to play with Atlas themselves using data from several countries. The tutorial will be taught mainly in Korean.

It will be at the Grand Ambassador Seoul Associated With Pullman. Website information here: https://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-0966-grand-ambassador-seoul-associated-with-pullman/index.shtml?adults=&children=&nights=&dateIn=

The detail agenda can be found here:

If you have an interest, please register here:

Registration will close on October 21st. If you have any questions, please feel free to ping me.
