OHDSI Symposium Page, Social Showcase

Hi all,
In case anybody didn’t see it in the latest Weekly Digest, I wanted to share a couple updates.

OHDSI Symposium Page
A full recap of the 2019 OHDSI U.S. Symposium, including photos, videos, collaborator showcase posters, and more, is available at https://www.ohdsi.org/2019-us-symposium-page/. You can find it on the front page under the Symposium recap video, or as the first dropdown under the “2019 OHDSI Symposium” menu. Presentation slides are available there, and Symposium talks will begin to be posted this week, starting with the morning plenary session.

OHDSI Social Showcase
We are in the second week of posting one poster/demo/lightning talk from the Collaborator Showcase (#OHDSISocialShowcase) each weekday on both our Twitter and LinkedIn pages. Please check these out if you are on either, and share to promote all the great work OHDSI is doing. If you took part in the Collaborator Showcase, you’ll get an email on the Monday of the week you will be included to help you promote it.