We are pleased to announce the official start of the study on Quality of Race and Ethnicity Data in the EHR. See full details on the wiki including study rationale, protocol, and code.
We are currently seeking additional collaborators. We would be delighted for you to join!
If you have any questions, please respond via this thread.
This is an interesting view that is not yet part of Achilles pre-computations.
Additions would be
insert into @results_database_schema.ACHILLES_analysis (analysis_id, analysis_name)
values (10, 'Number of persons by race and enthnicity');
insert into @results_database_schema.ACHILLES_results (analysis_id, stratum_1, stratum_2, count_value)
select 10 as analysis_id, RACE_CONCEPT_ID as stratum_1, ETHNICITY_CONCEPT_ID as stratum_2, COUNT_BIG(distinct person_id) as count_value
from @cdm_database_schema.PERSON
existing analyses 4 and 5 go after this (in isolation)