OHDSI Phenotype Library workgroup - 2021 OKR feedback request

Thank you for the community brainstorming on OHDSI community breakout session on January 19th 2020. Based on the discussion, we would like to propose the following OKRs for 2021. Please provide your input.

The workgroup page is here. The workgroups mission, areas of focus are here.

The 2021 objective of the workgroup is

2021 Objective: To enhance the content and the adoption of the phenotype library across the community and establish a standardized process for cohort definition development and evaluation. The primary area of focus for 2021 is content development, with additional focus on COVID-19.

We are seeking feedback for the 2021 OKRs. Please see OKRs in MS teams here .

Please engage in discussion here in MS teams
Gowtham Rao: OHDSI Phenotype Library workgroup - 2021 OKR feedback request

posted in OHDSI / General at Feb 7, 2021 11:12 AM