This is what GPT suggested
Define the initial OHDSI colors
ohdsiColors ← c("#336B91", “#69AED5”, “#11A08A”, “#FBC511”, “#EB6622”)
Create a function to interpolate between these colors
colorInterpolate ← grDevices::colorRampPalette(ohdsiColors)
Generate a palette of 20 colors (you can adjust the number of colors as needed)
extendedPalette ← colorInterpolate(20)
Optionally, adjust the brightness and saturation to make it more ‘viridis-like’
Using the colorspace package to adjust these properties
if (!requireNamespace(“colorspace”, quietly = TRUE)) install.packages(“colorspace”)
extendedPaletteAdjusted ← colorspace::darken(extendedPalette, amount = 0.1)
Print the palette
Plot the palette
plot(1:20, pch = 19, cex = 3, col = extendedPaletteAdjusted, xlab = “Index”, ylab = “Color”, main = “Extended OHDSI Color Palette”)