OHDSI MSK research group

Dear OHDSI community,

The OHDSI European symposium is going to be held in Oxford on the 27th March. We are planning to take this opportunity to launch an OHDSI Musculoskeletal (MSK) research group, building upon the work of previous study-a-thons, and will hold a face to face meeting in Oxford the day before the symposium (the afternoon of 26th March). We’ll then follow up from this with regular TCs, etc.

If interested, please can you send me an email (edward.burn(at)ndorms.ox.ac.uk) with 1) if you would be happy to be involved in this group, and 2) if you think you would be able to make the meeting on the 26th in Oxford?


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I’m 123% in… that’s assuming MSK means Musculo Skeletal :wink:

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I followed this because I thought it meant Memorial Sloan Kettering :):grinning:


Ah yes, this time it’s MSK for Musculoskeletal!