OHDSI International Symposium 2019 in Korea

The international symposium will be held at Konjiam Resort (Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea) from 12-14th December, 2019.
Please refer to the schedule below.
The detailed schedule will be updated from time to time through the homepage.
I hope to get a lot of support from you.

Hope everything is good.

Overview of the OHDSI International Symposium 2019 in Korea

<DAY 1> Thursday, December 12 (Korean)

10:00-16:00   Basic Tutorial 1 : CDM and Vocabulary
                      Basic Tutorial 2 : Phenotyping by ATLAS
16:00-17:00   16th OHDSI Korea Leadership Meeting
17:00-19:00   Korean WG meeting

<DAY 2> Friday, December 13 (English)

08:00-09:00   Registration with Light Breakfast
09:00-09:10   Opening Ceremony
09:10-09:40   Welcome to the Korean OHDSI Journey
09:40-10:10   OHDSI Initiative
10:10-10:40   OHDSI Network in Action
10:40-11:00   Coffee Break
11:00-11:30   EHDEN Project
11:30-13:00   Lunch
13:00-14:20   Parallel Sessions
15:20-16:20   National Projects based on CDM (Korean)
16:20-17:20   Adopting the OMOP CDM to Enable Standardized Analytics
17:20-18:00   Sharing the International Experience from Asian-Pacific Region
18:00-18:15   Closing Remarks
18:15-            Creative Performance & Networking Reception

<DAY 3> Saturday, December 14 (Korean)

09:00-17:00   Advanced Tutorial 1 : Population Level Estimation
                      Advanced Tutorial 2 : Patient Level Prediction

If you have any questions about the symposium, please e-mail us.

E-mail : feeder-net@naver.com


Thank you for organizing this great opportunity!
I will try to make it :slight_smile:
