OHDSI F2F: Dissemination hackathon outputs

Special thanks to @jon_duke @MauraBeaton @Patrick_Ryan @hripcsa @schuemie @Rijnbeek @jennareps and many, many more for all of their leadership through the hackathon tracks!

In the spirit of keeping dissemination alive, I’m going to work with @Frank to get our Researcher/Regulatory output into the F2F git. (Frank – I sent you permission to the Git I stored it in. If you give me permissions I’ll commit to our actual Git.)

Where possible, I also want to work with @schuemie and @anthonysena to instantiate our RShiny App into another server (I have one we can use) so we can have a fully functioning demo. Can you guys take a spin through the Git and confirm everything’s there? (Confirmed.)

Hope other parts of dissemination can also be repo-ed so we can keep the momentum going. :smile:


+1 @krfeeney!

We’ve got to keep the evidence flowing into the dissemination zone for use by both researcher and provider-facing systems.

Kudos to the members of Dissemination team, also dittoing @krfeeney 's thanks to the organizers-it was a great 2 days! I also want to make sure that we keep working on the provider-facing build. @jon_duke - where should we put the tools we built? I’ll be contacting you by email to figure out some next steps for the Provider tools, and @aperotte agreed to help me lead this effort! Keeping the momentum.
Best, Lisa

Thanks @schillil and @aperotte for taking the lead on this!

The code is safe and sound on GitHub. Georgia Tech is happy to maintain a server for the provider-facing build (including FHIR integration). We would of course be happy to host the R Shiny side as well or simply link to another server if someone else (eg @krfeeney) would like to host this piece.

A key goal is to be systematic in pushing data in a consistent format and cadence to the Dissemination servers.

Looking forward to this WG!