The Education Working Group has drafted an education strategy document, and we want your input into it to ensure it represents the situation and needs in OHDSI today, and to support plans for the future of our community.
We would be very grateful if colleagues would review it and respond with your thoughts to these three questions:
Do you see this as (a) a fair reflection on the current educational needs within OHDSI
(b) support proposals and recommendations within the document, and
(c) would you have any further suggestions or recommendations of your own?
We would be most grateful for feedback by EOB Wednesday 15th December!
Education strategy document is comprehensive addressing (a) & (b).
As a newcomer to OHDSI and still yet to implement my first use-case, I submit suggestions or recommendations for (c).
The training resources geared towards the Infrastructure setup be highlighted and be made shareable by the clinician researcher with the IT technical folks. This could enable buy-in by those evaluating the security risks, alignment with organization’s technology and strategic roadmap
2 or 3 common scenarios / check-lists that depicts variations in hardware, software, licensing costs (if any) factoring in the historical data base size, future data growth to help facilitate the steering committee’s conversation and enable tailoring of OHDSI tools for initial and ongoing use cases.
To get permissions within the organization to gain access to IT admin by the clinician / researchers, Project Management Office (PMO) typically would request a business case. A training geared towards PMO or C-level executives with a business case template that can be tailored to the organization’s specific initial feasibility use-case could help reduce barriers for the clinician researcher and increase adoption.
A training course to help organization review in-house adoption of OHDSI infrastructure and tools versus engagement of consultants (and how to find consultants for demo) could be helpful.
Initial Credentialing like PMI to show case OHDSI knowledge level (theoretical) and PDUs gained from attending community calls, training events, participation / contribution in work groups would help further measure educational impact and employees can utilize to satisfy annual training requirements from employer.
Hi @ragha123 - thank you so much for your review and comprehensive suggestions for (c), we will definitely collate these in the overall feedback and update of the document, as well as implementation, very sensible proposals.
@nigehughes It’s a great idea! Atlas platform has all kinds of parameters, criteria and options to construct a cohort. It would be a great help if there are detailed or systematic user guides associated with each item on the atlas platform. If one really follows the user guide provided on the atlas platform, he/she will only find the 10 minutes video on how to define a cohort, which might be pretty limited.
Hi @siting535897932 - that’s a good suggestion, breaking down tools like ATLAS into short vignettes would be likely more informative and user friendly, will include this in our thinking. Thank you
I like the “A guide to the OHDSI community”. The size of our community, the number of meetings we have each week, and the amount of information we have is overwhelming for new folks. I think it would be helpful to divide the guide into focus areas based on a person’s role at their organization and within the OHDSI community. The focus areas would guide a person on their OHDSI journey. Everyone needs the OMOP CDM & Standardized Vocabularies course, but from there the pathways diverge. The healthcare executive doesn’t need to how to do an ETL and the the ETL implementer doesn’t need to know how to use Atlas.
Great points @MPhilofsky, thank you. Very much in line with a learning pathways perspective in terms of organising around where colleagues come from in terms of their role and where they are going in terms of learning for practice. Will bear this in mind.
I just had another idea Actually, I took it from the EHR WG OKRs. We didn’t do anything more than a first pass discussion on this OKR.
Maintain an up-to-date list of educational and collaborative resources on MSTeams site for those OMOPing data to the CDM.
Procure and maintain a current list of OHDSI and OMOP CDM ETL educational materials
Establish an OHDSI member to member support network
Create a guide of published or presented work of others experience mapping EHR to OMOP
There are quite a few educational poster presentations from past Symposiums along with information in The Book of OHDSI, EHDEN Academy, Tutorials, etc. As a newbie to OHDSI, it’s hard to navigate or even know some of these things exist.
Thanks for leading this effort @nigehughes. I think it would good for the Hades workgroup to weigh in. One of the group’s goals is to increase the number of developers/maintainers and it seems that increasing the user base might be one strategy to accomplish that. I have a few thoughts/refinements around the path of a Hades tool user (study designer).
Novice - Uses Atlas to design and execute studies and interpret results. No programming required. Domain knowledge and familiarity with OHDSI/vocabs/cohorts/Atlas/ect is required.
Intermediate - Uses Hydra to create studies/analyses in R. Can make modifications to gain more flexibility. Can compose OHDSI standardized analyses components to create more complex designs.
Expert - Can create fully custom study packages that meet OHDSI standards.
Mentor - Trains others to use the tools effectively increasing the user base. Provides feedback to tool developers.
My two cents is that moving from one step to the next should feel familiar and more sophisticated uses of the tools should build on the mental models developed at the novice stage.
Thanks @Adam_Black. I agree with that classification of HADES users. I don’t think in HADES we currently do a good job of serving the novice users. I’d like to see that as the main objective for HADES in 2022.
Hi @MPhilofsky - indeed part of the challenge is triaging and signposting colleagues to relevant materials and information wherever they may, something we definitely want to develop in the New Year. Regarding the support network, that also links into the mentorship aspects as well. Thank you for your response and considered thoughts, much appreciated.
Hi @Adam_Black - this is a great response, thank you. I really like how you’ve applied the framework to HADES and indeed this is an approach we could use in the next layer below the document in terms of examples and guidance to ensure optimal support, education & training to address the learning curve in adoption and proficiency. Will definitely incorporate this thinking.
Thanks for the context @schuemie , and it would be great if this framework can help identify areas of focus as you outline, e.g., for novices. Look forward to seeing how our work in this area of education can support multiple groups in OHDSI.