OHDSI Datathon in Korea 2019

OHDSI Datathon in Korea 2019 will be held at Ajou University from 10th to 11th August.

You can see the details of this event at OHDSI-KOREA homepage.

The slides and docker image for the tutorial are available at Datathon GitHub.

“All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

In other words, every ATLAS-generated non-functional OHDSI package has errors in its own way.

The goal of this datathon is development of Ten Actionable OHDSI Package and publication of these ten packages in the Datathon GitHub. We hope this datathon promotes to make OHDSI research network in Korea more actionable and solid.

Wish us good luck :slight_smile:


Hi Seng Chan You,

We would like to estbalish OHDSI Philippines too – hope to exchange programme ideas and suggestions on how you built your local community –



I am so excited to see the output of this work, @SCYou! Happy to run your OHDSI packages on our IQVIA data after the datathon. @George_Argyriou really wants this kind of documentation! :slight_smile:

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So glad to hear that Philippine is joining OHDSI, too.
@Alvin_Marcelo I sent a direct message to you. Please check it. Thank you :slight_smile:

@krfeeney I feel so reassured knowing that you’re there, thank you!

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I can’t believe that we actually made it! The hot passion, warm atmosphere, and cool collaboration among the participants for OHDSI was the best birthday gift I’ve ever received.

You can see the 10 Actionable packages generated from the two-day OHDSI DataThon Korea at the GitHub.