I’m opening up this thread to be a place for the ‘lit review on Covid19 baseline characterization’ sub-team, led by @MDGeist and @Denys_Kaduk , can have team discussions and share progress. Thanks for all your efforts!
Today’s cdc report is a good source to include here: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm?s_cid=mm6912e2_w
Thanks Parick
Best, Yeesuk
Hi all, I found article with characterization and outcomes with critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Can we add it to our literature review?
Question–how are we collecting the literature? Are we posting everything here? Do we want to have a google sheet or other shared resource for collecting the metadata? I’m afraid I don’t have to cite my research as a general rule, so I don’t know the best ways for collecting metadata.
Also, do we need to have any rules for what literature we’re collecting? Are we just looking for anything that explains symptoms? Only symptoms used for diagnosis? Are we looking for natural history of disease? How will we consolidate all of the information?
I’ve seen a lot of similar studies (including this one, I think) on the WHO database: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/global-research-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov
Also, I’m not sure where this goes, so I’m going to post it in a couple of different fora:
From the Global Digital Health Forum (this wasn’t written by me):
I was on the AeHIN COIL webinar today and the presenter mentioned that OpenEHR has a COVID-19 project that has archetypes and templates for COVID19 data in clinical settings. Here is the link: https://www.openehr.org/ckm/projects/1013.30.81
Hi. All
I found a new article about our issues. Can it be useful?
Hello all, we create google sheet for collecting all metadata which can help in research!
I’m going to start going through the WHO database and adding those articles. I’m going to add a field in the google sheet for the WHO reference number so that we don’t duplicate any articles.
Also, can we give the actual date of the article? if all we put is year, that’s not helpful–everything is 2020.
The goal of this characterization literature review is to synthesize the population characteristics of Covid19 studies. This means we are looking to extract population (e.g. sample size, geography), which baseline features are assessed, including symptoms and diagnostics (% overall and within strata (death/recovery) and what statistical analysis was conducted, e.g. statistical modeling for ‘risk factors’. We will also summarize treatments used, when that information is available.
Ben & Denys
For our review, we will use Covidence , which is one of Cochrane’s recommended tools for standard reviews. Covidence supports key steps in the Review process, such as citation screening and Risk of Bias assessment. You will be able to upload search results, screen abstracts and full text, complete data collection, conduct risk of bias assessment, resolve disagreements, and export data into RevMan or Excel.
We will invite you to our Covidence account and provide some guidance shortly.
Thank you for being part of this group and thank you your assistance,
Ben & Denys
Hi All - I wanted to make you aware of this site where the US NIH/NLM is compiling literature on COVID-19/SARS-COV-2. This may help in your literature review on the characterization of the disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR3VFuE3ENFkCi1t3Ri4PK6C3D_lJVhuFvRFoofxvHDaZW7COZrLwwwaFYs
So, just to clarify, should I exclude any systematic reviews or meta-analyses from the list?
Hi. All
I have just added baseline characteristics of several literatures in the google sheet . All are case series with patient characteristics.
Dear Julianne,
If you can find additional papers through those, please include them in Covidence.
Thank you,
I’ve been going through several articles, and I want to make sure I’m on the same page so that I’m doing this right. And my apologies if these questions have been answered in other fora.
What is the expected output of the review? Are we looking for useful articles that can inform the data studies that are being done? Or is this expected to become a systematic review/meta-analysis in its own right?
Do we have inclusion/exclusion criteria for studies to be included? If we’re just doing a review for researchers’ use, presumably this question is less important, but I’ve been including more narrative case reports that only follow a couple of people and have no statistics involved. Is that useful?
How careful do we want to be with fields like “Data type used for characterization”? If I’m doing a systematic review, I would infer nothing; should I be inferring things like a hospital report if it’s case reports from a given hospital?
How general do we want to be with the baseline characterization? For example, if patients were characterized on the basis of their symptoms, do I want the list of all symptoms they were characterized for?
Does stratification variables refer to outcomes? Normally, I would think of stratification variables to be any variable included in a regression analysis (as an example), but you listed survivor/non-survivor as your example, which I would think of as the outcome variable. Does it assume a statistical analysis of some sort? If this is a retrospective analysis that talks about how many people died, does that outcome belong here? Or is it in the baseline characteristics because they looked at it at the same time as everything else?
Does statistical modeling count the statistics used for Table 1 or only a final model?
Thank you for all your help!
Dear Julie,
these are great points.
I sent you and the other collborators on this channel an e-mail with explanations, an invite to Covidence and a request for a meeting Tuesday 24, where we can best discuss this and then post our summary here in the forum as well.
Thank you,
Thank you! I will wait for your invite.
Hi Ben,
Are we still working on the literature review? I saw it marked as complete on the Sunday call but am happy to do more. Also, would it be more useful for me to fill out the google sheet or the covidence?
many thanks,