[OHDSI COVID-19] May 28 Update

• We are very excited to announce that the Project CHARYBDIS (Characterizing Health Associated Risks, and Your Baseline Disease In SARS-COV-2) protocol and analysis code have been finalized and uploaded to GitHub. @tduarte, @krfeeney and @Albert_Prats are leads for this study, which has two main objectives:

  1. Describe the baseline demographic, clinical characteristics, treatments and outcomes of interest among individuals tested for SARS-CoV-2 and/or diagnosed with COVID-19 overall and stratified by sex, age and specific comorbidities;
  2. Describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients diagnosed/tested positive for influenza as well as patients hospitalized with influenza between September 2017 and April 2018 compared to the COVID-19 population.

We have moved this study into the implementation phase and are looking for data partners to run this package. If you have any questions, please reach out to Talita, Kristin or Albert, or check out the FAQ section on our GitHub.

@Patrick_Ryan, @Daniel_Prieto, @tduarte and @RossW presented on “OHDSI Community Efforts on COVID-19 Disease Natural History” during Thursday’s Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA. Our community representatives were honored to share how OHDSI collaboration and best practices can help study the natural history of COVID-19. If you are interested to learn more about what they discussed, the presentation slides are available here.