[OHDSI COVID-19] June 12 Update - CHARYBDIS, feedback/authorship sought on estimation manuscript, new prediction preprint

• Project CHARYBDIS is being run over several databases, an exciting development in this important community effort. Preliminary results from five databases (IPCI, TRDW (Tufts), HM, PREMIER, CPRD) are available here, and we continue to seek other data partners to run this study. The protocol and study code is available here: https://github.com/ohdsi-studies/Covid19CharacterizationCharybdis

• There is a working manuscript from our estimation team currently entitled “Risk of depression, suicidal ideation, suicide and psychosis with hydroxychloroquine treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: a multi-national network cohort study” and located in the Study-Estimation-Hydroxychloroquine channel. The authors are looking for community feedback, as well as ICJME forms for anybody who would like to be included as an author on the study.

• Congrats to lead author @jennareps and the prediction team on another MedRxiv preprint: Can we trust the prediction model? Demonstrating the importance of external validation by investigating the COVID-19 Vulnerability (C-19) Index across an international network of observational healthcare datasets. You can read the preprint here. External validation is critical for any prediction model, and through OHDSI analytics and global collaboration, this study suggests that C-19 should not be used to aid decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic.