OHDSI Community Meeting 6June2017

Hi Everyone,

Here’s the agenda for Tuesday’s OHDSI call:

  1. Introduction of OHDSI newcomers
  2. Updates from the week
  1. WG updates
  • Rich Boyce: Pharmacovigilance Evidence Investigation (LAERTES)
  • Frank DeFalco: Architecture
  • Mui Van Zandt: Hadoop

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

  • Carl Jung


Grant Deadlines
Advances in Patient Safety through Simulation Research (R18)
Submission Deadline - June 5th

Utilizing Health Information Technology to Scale and Spread Successful Practice Models Using Patient-reported Outcomes (R18)

Submission Deadline - June 5th

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1)

LOI due July 31st
Full Proposal due August 21st

ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE)

LOI due - August 9th
Submission due - September 13th

Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII)

Submission deadline - August 9th

Conference Deadlines
DIA Statistics Forum - December 1st in London UK
Abstracts due June 5th

International Conference on Health Policy Statistics - January 10-12th in Charleston SC

Abstracts due June 29th

Upcoming Conferences
Develop, Innovate, Advance - June 18-22, 2017

US MedDRA User Group Meeting - June 22 in Chicago IL

AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting - June 25-27th in New Orleans NO


Join the Webex: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M59X2V1U61WC9ASID2Z5N3UT95-D1JL&rnd=96139.9309014125233215312211122
Join the call using VoIP
How to use the VoIP: http://wlc.webex.com/docs/job_aids/IntegratedVoIP_JA.pdf


Join the call using the following teleconference details:
+1-415-655-0001 (US Toll)
Attendee Code: 199 982 907
Meeting details are also available on the wiki:

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I tried joining Webex but it’s not working can someone help me please


Sondus I. Ata

*Pharmacist, BSc.Pharm,M.S., *
Outpatient Pharmacy
Investigational Drugs & Research Unit (IDRU)
Pharmacy Department
Phone: +966(11)4670011
Ext. 92898, Bleep# 1455
Mobile: +966 555099308
King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH)
*King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC) *
*Riyadh, KSA *

The call starts at 12pm ET. In 8 minutes :smile: