OHDSI Community Call 29May2018

Hi Everyone,

Here’s the agenda for Tuesday’s OHDSI call:

  1. Introduction of OHDSI newcomers
  2. Updates from the week
  • OHDSI Network Research Studies: We’ll run through ongoing network research study and ask study leads for the latest updates.
  • Updates from China: @mvanzandt will tell us all about the recent hack-a-thon in China and the upcoming China Symposium
  1. Presentation - @jweave17 will let us know all about Using negative control outcomes to identify biased study design: A self-controlled case series example

Hope you all enjoy the long weekend! :sunny:

Instant gratification is not soon enough.

  • Meryl Streep


Upcoming Grant Deadlines
Developing Measures of Shared Decision Making (R01)

Application Deadline: June 5

Use of Technology to Enhance Patient Outcomes and Prevent Illness (R01)

Application Deadline: June 5

AHRQ Health Services Research Projects (R01)

Application Deadline: June 5

AHRQ Small Research Grant Program (R03)

Application Deadline: June 5

Advancing Evidence into Practice through Shared, Interoperable Clinical Decision Support Resources (U18)

Application Deadline: June 5

Enhancing Innovations in Emerging Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing of Complex Biologic Products (R01)

Application Deadline: June 25

NIOSH Small Research Grant Program (R03)

Application Deadline: July 19th

Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs)

Deadline: Ongoing

Upcoming Conferences
Annual Physician-Computer Connection Symposium - June 18-22nd in Ojai CA

Develop, Innovate, Advance - Annual Meeting - June 24th-28th in Boston MA

AcademyHealth 2018 Annual Research Meeting - June 24th-26th in Seattle WA

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - July 13-19th in Stockholm, Sweden

ASA 2018 Join Statistical Meeting - July 28th - August 2nd in Vancouver, Canada

Machine Leanring in Healthcare - August 17-18th in Stanford CA


Time: Every Tuesday from 12-1pm ET
Join the Webex: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M59X2V1U61WC9ASID2Z5N3UT95-D1JL&rnd=96139.93090141252332153122111221214123212113121
Join the call using VoIP
How to use the VoIP: http://wlc.webex.com/docs/job_aids/IntegratedVoIP_JA.pdf


Join the call using the following teleconference details:
+1-415-655-0001 (US Toll)
Attendee Code: 199 982 907
Meeting details are also available on the wiki:

Thanks everyone for joining today’s OHDSI call. Unfortunately I forgot to press record so there is no meeting recording this week. But I have uploaded Mui and Jamie’s slides here: https://www.ohdsi.org/resources/presentations/community-meeting-presentations/

More details about the upcoming China Symposium on July 29-August 1st in Guanzhou have been added to the OHDSI website: https://www.ohdsi.org/events/2018-china-symposium/

For more details about the recent Chinese Hack-a-thon, check out Mui’s slides and the list of questions on our past events page: