OHDSI Community Call 22May2018 - CANCELLED

Hi Everyone,

Our presentation on the OMOPv4 Re-write has been postponed until June 5th so next Tuesday’s OHDSI call is cancelled. But please join us the following Tuesday (May 29th) to hear all about Using negative control outcomes to identify biased study design: A self-controlled case series example from @jweave17

In the meantime, please check out the upcoming collaboration activities listed below.

In labouring to be concise, I become obscure.

  • Horace


Upcoming Grant Deadlines
Developing Measures of Shared Decision Making (R01)

Application Deadline: June 5

Use of Technology to Enhance Patient Outcomes and Prevent Illness (R01)

Application Deadline: June 5

AHRQ Health Services Research Projects (R01)
Application Deadline: June 5

Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs)

Deadline: Ongoing

Upcoming Conferences
SCT 39th Annual Meeting - May 20-23rd in Portland OR

Annual Physician-Computer Connection Symposium - June 18-22nd in Ojai CA

Develop, Innovate, Advance - Annual Meeting - June 24th-28th in Boston MA

AcademyHealth 2018 Annual Research Meeting - June 24th-26th in Seattle WA

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