OHDSI Broadsea new version


I was wondering when 2.5.0 docker container [BroadSea-WebTools] will be made available. I had some issues with the current image when I tried using it for this project: https://github.com/dermatologist/fhirform-ohdsi

Waiting for the new one.


It should be available later this week.

The 2.5.0 version of broadsea-webtools is now available in docker hub.


Thanks @lee_evans!

The 2.6.0 version of broadsea-webtools is now available in Docker Hub.

Note. A change is required in the config-local.js file in order to support the new ATLAS ‘SNOMED International SNOMED CT Browser License Agreement’ feature.

Remove the following two lines:

// clearing local storage otherwise source cache will obscure the override settings

Here is the updated template version of the file:

Thanks @lee_evans!