Lorberbaum T, et al. Improving drug safety surveillance using chemical systems biology: modular assembly of drug safety subnetworks (abstract). AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science; 2015 March 23-27; San Francisco, CA; 2015.
Boland MR, et al. Using electronic health records to uncover disease-birth month dependencies (abstract). AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science; 2015 March 23-27; San Francisco, CA; 2015.
I will steal George’s proper reference formatting:
Duke JD, et al. Linking Structured and Unstructured Clinical Phenotypes through the OMOP Common Data Model (abstract). AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science; 2015 March 23-27; San Francisco, CA; 2015.
He Z, Ryan P, Wang S, and Weng C. A Method for Assessing the Collective Generalizability of Multiple Related Clinical Trials Using Public Data. Podium presentation abstract, Proc of AMIA 2015 Joint Summits on Translational Science, March 23 - 27, 2015, San Francisco, CA. In press.
Managed to get OHDSI into the news. Too bad he only took my privacy comments. Most of what I said was about the benefits of sharing data. Nevertheless, the only thing worse that being talked about is not being talked about. George
Huser, V., Jao, J., Duke, J., Ryan, P., Nelson, S.D., Boyce, R.D. Piloting a Comprehensive Knowledge Base for Pharmacovigilance Using Standardized Vocabularies. Abstract accepted for presentation and entry into proceedings at the 2015 Summit on Clinical Research Informatics to be held in San Francisco on March 25-27.