I wanted to see if anyone could comment on there being NULL Vocabulary_versions. As we are building our v5 product I wrote in requirements that the Vocabulary_Version should not be null. (As the CDMv5 spec’s state). Should this be okay? If so, should we have the spec’s updated? If not, I guess corrections would be made from the OHDSI group?
You have a point. Problem is that these are either home-made or dead (and therefore have no more versions, for example Oxmis). But let’s do the following: We put in the date we touched it last, and that’s the version. If it never changes - so be it.
In the latest download there are still NULLs in VOCABULARY.VOCABULARY_VERSION column (at least WHERE vocabulary_id=‘Gender’; we are changing DDL to allow nulls - once we load the table, I will report which other vocabularies have NULL in this column).
So what’s the decision:
do we change DDL making vocabulary version nullable
make put some dummy into the vocabulary, kind of “OMOP generated” or “Unknown”?