Loaded vocabulary version v5.0 10-NOV-15 on 11/23/2015 had the following errors.
Following load errors in vocab 5:
16,807 concepts have NULL concept_name, but in DDL concept name is NOT NULL in ddl
16,807 concept_synonyms have NULL concept_synonym_name, but concept_synonym_name is NOT NULL in ddl
select vocabulary_id, count(*) from concept where concept_name IS NULL group by vocabulary_id;
vocabulary_id count
GPI 16,367
Read 158
ICD10CM 282
I also noticed that a large number of NDC concept have been deprecated. Is this expected?
vocabulary_id count valid deprecated updated
NDC 676,286 427,675 248,611 0
select vocabulary_id, count(*), sum( case when Invalid_reason IS NULL then 1 else 0 end ) as valid
, sum( case when Invalid_reason = ‘D’ then 1 else 0 end ) as deprecated
, sum( case when Invalid_reason = ‘U’ then 1 else 0 end ) as Updated
FROM vocabulary_5_0_NOV_15.concept
WHERE vocabulary_id = ‘NDC’
group by 1;
Has anyone seen similar results?