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Nov. 26 Community Call: Global Symposium Best Community Contribution Honorees

Please join our Nov. 26 (11 am ET) community call for a session focused on our OHDSI2024 Collaborator Showcase honorees. Following the 2024 Global Symposium, five posters or demos were selected as Best Community Contribution honorees, and the leads of each will join our next community call to present their research. The posters and presenters can be seen below:

Observational Data Standards and Management: Gap Analysis of Static Automated Perimetry Concept Representation in OMOP CDM (Shahin Hallaj)
Methodological Research: Towards automated phenotype definition extraction using large language models (Ramya Tekumalla)
Open-Source Analytics Development: Bridging the Language Gap: Generative Models for Efficient Medical Concept Discovery (Alvaro Alvarez)
Clinical Applications: Health Trends Across Communities in Minnesota: a Statewide Dashboard Leveraging the OMOP CDM to Monitor the Prevalence of Health Conditions (Samuel Patnoe)
Community: Improving Team Science Through “Thons” Reflections on the April Olympians Community Event (Clair Blacketer)

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting.
