Non standard drug_concept_id mapped to standard concept with different concept_class

Non standard drug_concept_id mapped to standard concept with different concept_class

As per OMOP CDM v5.3 , we need to consider below given concept_class for drug exposure but some non standard drug_concept_id is mapped to standard drug_concept_id with cconcept_class like Marketed Product.

Do we need to consider such standard concept_id which belongs to different concept_class


This is totally fine.
Where did you take the snapshot from? We need to add “Marketed Product” to this note.


You seem to confuse Concept Class and Drug Class. One is an attribute of a Concept, as explained in the text. The other one is it’s own Concept, denoting a Drug Classification from another vocabulary, like ATC. The text really is not clear about that. Did you get that from the Book of OHDSI?

we are referring OMOP CDM v5.3

Thanks for pointing it out. Will fix.
