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No data in Condition Ocurrence report

All Atlas reports return results; however, the Condition Occurrence report does not work. I have been addressing the MedDRA vocabulary issues discussed here:

by removing the reference to the dictionary in the table load so that the levelx_concept_name fields have values

Additionally, I confirmed that the query executed for that report, as mentioned by @anthonysena here:

produces results.

However, Atlas does not display them. The treemap only shows “no data” and the table is always “loading.”

There are also no errors or any relevant information in the logs.

What could be happening? Thank you very much for your help.

Possibly a caching issue. Can you truncate the following tables:

Then restart the service.

The issue could be that something was wrong in the results schema when it first cached, and it cached an empty result.

Perfect! It works. Thank you!
