Next Monthly WoO Call - Tuesday, March 16th at 2pm ET - Presentation on Sex Differences and Adverse Drug Events

Hi All,

Just a reminder that our next Women of OHDSI monthly call is tomorrow, March 16th at 2pm ET. A link to the agenda is below.

We’ll be joined by Payal Chandak who will give a presentation on Using Machine Learning to Identify Adverse Drug Effects Posing Increased Risk to Women.

This will be an open meeting so please feel free to invite anyone who is interested in the presentation topic. The link to join the meeting is:{"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"81c21b6d-448d-4634-abbc-6b0962d1138a"}
