Next Monthly WoO Call - Tuesday, April 20th at 2pm ET

Our April WoO Call is coming up next week on Tuesday, April 20th at 2pm ET.

@acallahan will be leading a discussion on Informatics for pregnancy, birth and perinatal healthcare

This will be an interactive session where folks can share their thoughts on important questions and problems to tackle in this space, and informatics methods that are particularly relevant. This will be less a comprehensive review of the literature, and more a summary of some prior research areas, and how I think the intersection of these with the work we do in the lab should shape future research. I don’t have specific questions, but if you think sharing that summary to prime people to discuss would be good, please do.

How to Join:
This meeting is open to all who are interested in joining so feel free share the meeting link:{“Tid”%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"81c21b6d-448d-4634-abbc-6b0962d1138a"}

Nominate future speakers or discussion topics:
If you would like to nominate presenters or discussion topics for future WoO calls, you can do so using the following forms:

Nominate Presenters:

Propose Discussion Topics:

Thanks everyone who joined Tuesday’s call and shared your insights! And a big thanks to @acallahan for putting together that great overview of where we are.

Alison’s slides have been posted here: