News from OHDSI Europe

The first European OHDSI Symposium called “Bridging Europe” aims to establish a European OHDSI community. The symposium is a platform to share results and ideas about the use of the OMOP-CDM, tool development, and future research studies. The day will include a collaborator showcase involving a poster session to highlight OHDSI’s research achievements and interactive demonstrations of OHDSI’s open-source software tools. We also invite people that are new to OHDSI and are interested to learn more about this exciting initiative.

The main symposium will take place on Friday March 23th 2018 at the educational center of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Saturday March 24th 2018, will be dedicated to tutorials.


  • The Agenda of the meeting is online!
  • There are a limited number of spots available for the Symposium, so
    register quickly!
  • Tutorial registration is opened for Saturday 24th!
  • We offer sponsoring opportunities, see the website for more information!.
  • We invite collaborators to submit an abstract to participate in the Collaborator Showcase (poster, software demo).

For more information see:

Any questions send us an email: