New working group: Medical Device Working group

Hi all,
If you are interested in working on medical device related research in OHDSI community, please follow up here. I am working at CDRH FDA. I am interested in building a community to work towards medical device real world evidence evaluation. I am not limited to a specific medical device. So please join me and let’s work together!

Asiyah Lin @ CDRH, FDA


I am very excited for this research effort and would be delighted to be a part of it.


I’m interested as well

Manlik and I are interested. This shaping up to be a great team already!

I think that PEDSnet is a NESTcc Data Network partner.
I don’t know if they have done a gap analyses for OMOP CDM & vocab for needs defined by that work.
I will ping Charles Bailey and Hannieh Razzaghi to see what they know.

I’m also interested

Hello, all who are interested, I have set up a WebEx call this afternoon EDT 3PM -4PM, please feel free to die-in. To obtain a better audio result, I recommend you to use the telephone to dial in.

– Do not delete or change any of the following text. –

When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.

Meeting number (access code): 905 805 502
Meeting password: mYpJhGi7

Join by phone
Tap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-210-795-0506 US Toll
+1-877-465-7975 US Toll Free
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If the link above doesn’t work for you at the time of meeting, please email me at, or Andrew, so we can forward meeting invite to you.


I’m also interested. Thanks.

1 Like

I’m also interested in joining.

That was rather ad-hoc, @AsiyahFDA. :slight_smile: Some people need more heads-up.

If you guys decided to move forward and form a Working Group feel free to set up a Wiki page for it. If you want you can use this one. You can take a look at the others, but generally it should contain

  • Purpose
  • Participants
  • Meeting times and Webex
  • Content

I am also interested.

Yes. Chris, we are working on it. Thanks for your guidance.

I am interested in joining this group as well.

Please count me in. Have some experience with Global Unique Device Identification Database.

I’m interested, thanks

1 Like

I would also like to join, thanks.

Im interested in joining this group. I research in developing affordable point of care devices for personalized healthcare especially in Low and middle-income countries. Also a member of the Africa Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC)

Oluwatoyin have you communicated with Shawn Dolley about this? If not, he might be a great partner in the OHDSI community for your work in this area.

I’m interested and would like to join the working group. Thanks