New working group: Clinical Trials

Hi Maxim, thanks for your reply!

The challenges, in general, are that OMOP CDM focusses on EHR/trial data and is based on clinicial/medical concepts. Registry data is quite different from such data since it often includes PRO, patient-reported outcomes, ergo “smooth” data like quality of life or burden of disease. Plus, registry data mostly don’t include any kind of standard terminology/coding and makes it difficult to map. E.g. you cannot load codes into Usagi to derive OMOP concept_ids (or the corresponding tables, domains etc). So mapping each field to the OMOP CDM representation is a lot of work. A lot. :smiley:

I think in the end, most of the data can be formatted in OMOP speak (clinical data that is collected during each visit) - so I actually just wanted to work in a group that already “translated” data that is not from EHR or the like into OMOP CDM. To share a burden :wink: and to learn from other’s experiences. So maybe I just need a group of people who have actively done the ETL design (that would already be the most helpful step) of non-EHR data. Or even EHR data. Is there a guideline (apart from the Book of OHDSI or the ETL tutorials) for how to map data that has no source codes, just Strings/text/measurements etc.?


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