NEW TIME for Tuesday Community Calls ... first 2021 call will be JANUARY 12

Happy New Year!

We wanted to announce a new time for the weekly Tuesday community calls, which will now be held at 11 am ET (one hour earlier than usual). This was the most popular time as voted on by our community members during the final call of 2020. We know this won’t be the perfect choice for everybody, but hopefully this new time allow the maximum number of OHDSI members to join our weekly call.

The new link for the calls will be posted on this thread when it has been set up, and it will be available in the main OHDSI channel on Teams. There is no call today, so our first call will be Tuesday, Jan. 12.

Also, the working groups schedule page has been updated: Hopefully you will find this easier to navigate and learn the typical schedule of working group calls, even beyond those scheduled for the current week.
