We want to know the outcomes associated with the level of care (ICU, Intermediate care, acute care), length of stay, and procedures performed on the patient within a specific location (unit,ward) within the hospital. This does also encompass the A (admit) as the first location a patient was in the inpatient setting of a VISIT_OCCURRENCE. Right now the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table only captures a high level for the care_site_id, 1 care_site_id for the entire inpatient stay, and not the levels of care a patient received.
How long was the patient receiving CRRT (multi-day procedure) in the ICU? What was the patient’s total LOS in the ICU? Was the patient on another unit/ward before the ICU? What was the total LOS within the inpatient setting? What was the patient’s discharge disposition (home, death, long term care, etc.)?
The PEDSnet value set for service_concept_id is close to covering our current use cases. We have a few ICUs and investigators like to distinguish the different types of specialty care provided in each (Cardiac ICU, Medical ICU, etc.). The value set PEDSnet provides for adt_type_concept_id covers all our needs.
I would also like to only see one solution/additional table in the OMOP CDM. I would like @jenniferduryea and @Gowtham_Rao to chime in with their use cases. This may or may not solve the discussion here. It will create “micro-visits” as discussed. And other tables could be linked to the “micro-visits” created by this table through a FK placed in another table. Direct patient care is my native language and data modeling is my second language, so I may be off on how this all fits together.