This is Aelan Park at EvidNet.
In Korea, we are converting from EMR data to CDM in terms of economic information now.
It is quite different between Korean health system and the USA health system.
Therefore we come to a conculsion what we have economic information in Korea is not suitable to map to OMOP concept ids.
For this reason, we need new concept ids. Please let me know how we can do process to get new ones.
Hi @Aelan
Please provide us the list of the concepts with English translation.
It would be perfect if you have it published somewhere, so you provide us a link.
Once we look at, it we’ll come up with further questions.
Have you done the review of Korean source_description for cost and payer_plan from me?
I am wondering it is ok or I need to prepare more something to get new concept for Korean health system.
Please give me feedback.
“No” is a concept code used in the source or is it just numbers you’ve generated?
Why “Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2”, “Entitlement to Worker’s Compensation by government” and other concepts belong to stop_reason_concept_id category instead of a Payer? See
Worker’s Compensation concept for example.
Why there are concepts with different korean description but same english:
의료급여 자격취득(보호1,2종적용) - Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2
의료급여 정신과 - Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2 (used google translator, got “Medical benefit psychiatry”)?
“Medical Care type 1”, “Medical Care type 2”. Should it be explained somehow - like “South Korea national health insurance type 1”?
Concepts without translation - I suppose, the traslation should be the same as the description of concept you mapped to, right?
The number is not given by us, that was seen on HIRA data in Korea.
The reason why we use the concepts for stop_reason_concept_id category is that the hospitals use the reason when they want to change billing ways in the same patient.
In medicare type, there are just 2 type. “의료급여 정신과” means “Medical benefit psychiatry” like you got, but it is not excluded from the types and we do not exactly know that “의료급여 정신과” is included between them.
4.Even though I do not know how much their rates are different, “Medical Care type 1” and “Medical Care type 2” are different only in the rate paid in patients. Maybe taking the condition is also different.
Without translation, the concepts are mapped by me as you supposed.
1.Ok, so these numbers can be used as concept_codes
In this case you use Coverage under another plan as a Stop reason concept, but the “Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2” should be treated as Payer with a new payer_plan_period.
So, you want to say that “의료급여 정신과” Maps to “Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2”, because in the terms of Payment there’s no difference if it is psychiatry or not, right?
If so, we still have to have English names corresponding to Korean names and then map these concepts reducing excessive details.
I’m not talking about rates. As an international user I see concept “Medical care type 1”. How I know that it reflects exactly Korean health system. So, my suggestion is to get more specific name.
I believe description of concept you mapped to differs from the actual translation of the source concept. So, to be 100% consistent you need to provide translation of mapped concepts as well.
Hello @Dymshyts,
My name is Yoonjin Kim. I work alongside Aelan Park at EvidNet.
Thank you for your questions.
in response your question,
2) We also thought like you, using Coverage under another plan, but Aelan thought it is a kind of service rather than plan of insurance. So Aelan did like this.
If you think your idea is better, we will look into the suggestion you have given us and try to accommodate you.
Medical type 1, 2 =
‘의료급여’ is a type of social security system which is for Low-income people with incapable of working due to physical disability or other reasons.
Type 1 supports a higher rate of health care costs.
“Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2” is the comprehensive term for the each Korean description.
Please find below a more specific translation in English.
의료급여 자격취득(보호1,2종적용): People who receive social medical care which is “의료급여”
의료급여 장애인(보호장애인적용) : People with physical disabilities and substandard ability to work.
행여처리(보호1종적용) : Homeless, without carer
의료급여 정신과: People receive social medical care which is “의료급여” and are treated for mental disease.
Thanks @yoonjinkim
Sorry for the long silence.
I suppose in the patient data you have all concepts listed in stop_reason_concept_id category as a stop reason actually.
And, let’s say, if this stop reason is equal to ‘Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2’, you have another record in payer_concept_id = ‘Medical care type 2’.
In this case all these stop reasons with ‘Entitlement to’ should be mapped to Coverage under another plan and the actual plan will described in payer_concept separately.
Am I right?
Next, when we add the vocabulary, I need its attribures:
vocabulary_id- short vocabulary name
,vocabulary_name - long vocabulary name
,vocabulary_reference - web link
,vocabulary_version - current version
,latest_update - when it was updated by the source (not by OMOP!)
see example here:
I apologize for the late response.
As you said, ‘the patient data I have all concepts listed in stop_reason_concept_id category as a stop reason actually’ is right.
But, The person who benefits from Medical Type 1 is able to get free medical services.
on the other hand, People who qualify for Type 2 will be charged 10% for the medical services,
pregnant woman on type 2 will be charged 5% and disabled people will have theses services free of charge, on this scheme.
For this reason, We thought that this was a type of medical service, and we thought we were unable to map to “Coverage under another plan”
Even though the charge of medical services is almost free, if we can use this concept, please let me know.
Thank you for providing us with examples. however, please could you provide the site of “vocabulary_reference” one more time? as, we cannot access this site.
Once we receive this, we will try to prepare the list as you have shown us.
So, what Medical Type 1 or 2 means in terms of STOP reason?
If I see stop_reason = ‘Entitlement to Medical care type 1 or 2’, it means that a person now has their expences covered by the government. But what was stopped then?
Oh, sorry for the confusion. Vocabulary_reference is a link you can access the vocabulary by. So from my example is a site we took PHDSC vocabulary from. It doesn’t work now though, they changed the domain name or something. PHDSC still can be assesed through UMLS , so I have to put this link as reference VocabularyDocumentation
First, National Health Insurance is related to disease or injury and subscription is forced by law.
Generally, most Koreans are subscribed to it and pay for health insurance every month.
However, People who are registered as medical types 1 or 2 are get almost free medical services from the government.
In this case, they cannot be subscribed the National Health Insurance at the same time.
In other words, When someone benefits from medical type 1 or 2, they are excluded from membership to National health insurance.
So Aelan classified the concept as “stop reason” and the “stop” here means that they have stopped subscription to National health insurance.