@ColinOrr I’ve now updated the docker-compose.yml file to work correctly with the latest ATLAS/WebAPI version 2.2.0,
Please download the latest version of the docker-compose.yml file for your DBMS from the Broadsea GitHub repo and update it with your database connection info & WEBAPI_URL again.
FYI. I’ve also added a copy of the example config-local.js file to the Broadsea GitHub repo. It’s the same version of the file that is in the Atlas repo so you don’t need to download it again.
After you’ve downloaded the latest version of the docker-compose.yml and re-applied your database connection changes please verify that you have that file and the config-local.js file in the current directory. Also verify that the WEBAPI_URL host in docker-compose.yml and the url host in the config-local.js are set to use the docker toolbox IP address.
For example, when I tested, my docker toolbox IP address was so I used WEBAPI_URL= in docker-compose.yml and url: ‘’ in config-local.js
Next run the following commands to restart the docker containers - wait a couple of minutes after running these commands so the containers have time to restart:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
The next step is to troubleshoot and see what errors are being generated inside the running Docker container. Please use the following commands:
Viewing The Broadsea Web Tools Log Files
Find the name of the running Broadsea Web Tools Docker container (the value in the “Names” column):
docker-compose ps
Connect to the Broadsea Web Tools container:
docker exec -it <broadsea-web-tools-container-name> bash
Change directory to the log directory in the running container and view the stderr and stdout log files:
(The “*” char is the bash shell file name wild card character).
cd /var/log/supervisor
tail -1000 *stderr*
tail -1000 *stdout*
When you are finished troubleshooting you can exit out of the running docker container (it will continue to run) the command is:
The last troubleshooting command shown above : tail -1000 *stdout*
command will show the error messages when the Docker container starts up (you will need to scroll back to find the error message of interest). You mentioned that the source and source_daimon tables are not being created (they should be automatically created when the container starts) so I suspect that the database user specified in the docker-compose file doesn’t have the necessary database permissions to create those tables in the database. The tail -1000 stdout
command should show you a sql error message if that is the case.