Need help in find the mapping of ICD-10 Q04.3 to SNOMED


I am mapping a set of ICD-10 code to SNOMED. One ICD-10, Q04.3 (Other reduction deformities of brain) used to mapped to SNOMED 204032005(reduction deformities of brain). But now 204032005 was deprecated. I looked through all the codes under its parent concept 57148006 (Congenital anomaly of brain (disorder) ) but did not find any that could be the mapped concept. Where can I find out how other people in the community map Q04.3 to SNOMED? Thank you very much in advance.

Looks like it was remapped to “Congenital brain aplasia”, per the Athena website.

Here’s the page about the original concept:, it states it’s been remapped.

Here’s the new concept:

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