Need guidance for using the OHDSI-In-A-Box

Dear all,

I am interested in learning how to transform source data into the OMOP CDM.

I have been watching some videos from the 2016 Symposium in which the tutorial used


I did downloaded the VirtualBox on my computer but I am having some difficult embed the Create Virtual Machine after following the steps on the following link

Thank you for any help

After installing VirtualBox, you can double click the vbox image and follow this wonderful tutorial.
If you are getting an error, could you reply with details?

in the Data Quality recent tutorial at symposium, we also used AWS pre-packaged approach.

I am trying to use OHDSI-in-a-Box to learn OMOP.
Using the 2018 training slides, I put my name on the Google sheet at and copied the AWS address seen in the screenshot, but I get this error when I try to sign into the Remote Desktop:



Can anyone help?