NDC/HCPCS codes for Darzalex

Hello all–

This is my first time joining a forum! I’m working with both Truven and Optum data that have been converted to OMOP v5, and I have found that the neither the NDC code nor the HCPCS code for daratumumab (Darzalex) have been mapped into the medication_exposure table (or the procedure table, in the case of HCPCS). The drug was first approved in 2015. Is there an expected time frame for inclusion into the OMOP vocabulary? Tagging @krfeeney and @seslava in case I missed any important details.

Many thanks,

You might be using an outdated version of the vocabularies. In the current version we have the following mappings:
C9476 Injection, daratumumab, 10 mg Maps to 35605746 daratumumab Injection
J9145 Injection, daratumumab, 10 mg Maps to 35605746 daratumumab Injection
57894050205 5 ML daratumumab 20 MG/ML Injection [Darzalex] Maps to 35605751 5 ML daratumumab 20 MG/ML Injection [Darzalex]
578940502 daratumumab 100mg/5mL INTRAVENOUS INJECTION, SOLUTION, CONCENTRATE [darzalex] Maps to 35605751 5 ML daratumumab 20 MG/ML Injection [Darzalex]
57894050220 20 ML daratumumab 20 MG/ML Injection [Darzalex] Maps to 35604271 20 ML daratumumab 20 MG/ML Injection [Darzalex]

@aostropolets, yes, I think that must be it. Thank you for updating me!