Good Afternoon :),
I have been running into an error when attempting to save concept sets from atlas to a MSSQL CDM.
CDM: dbo, Vocabulary: dbo, Results: ohdsi, CEM: ohdsi
sql server v5.0 17-DEC-19
Them error I am seeing when attempting to save a new concept set or cohort is:
“methodName”:“run”,“fileName”:“”,“lineNumber”:748,“className”:“java.lang.Thread”,“nativeMethod”:false}],“sqlstate”:“S0002”,“nextException”:null,“errorCode”:208,“message”:“Invalid object name ‘ohdsi.concept_set_sequence’.”,“localizedMessage”:“Invalid object name ‘ohdsi.concept_set_sequence’.”,“suppressed”:[]},“stackTrace”:[{
I have verified that the sequences exist in the CDM Database Ohdsi schema.
When I look at the sql being executed it is not in a familiar syntax to me and does not execute properly on MSSQL Sql Server 2016
Profiler - select next_val as id_val from ohdsi.concept_set_sequence with (updlock, holdlock, rowlock)"
This fails with error “Invalid object name ‘ohdsi.concept_set_sequence’”
The following sql works but is not what is being executed: SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR [ohdsi].[concept_set_sequence]
It feels like I messed up a configuration setting. Any thoughts or suggestions are very much appreciated.
The only other sql that was executed when attem[ting to save a concept set was:
“select userentity0_.ID as ID1_49_, userentity0_.last_viewed_notifications_time as last_vie2_49_, userentity0_.LOGIN as LOGIN3_49_, userentity0_.NAME as NAME4_49_ from ohdsi.SEC_USER userentity0_ where userentity0_.LOGIN=@P0 ‘,N’@P0 nvarchar(4000)’,N’anonymous’”
Is it possible that this is the root cause and I need to configure some users?
Thank you for reading!,