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MS in RWE at Northeastern University accepting applications

Hello OHDSI Community,

We’re excited to announce that Northeastern University is now accepting applications for the Fall 2024 cohort of our Master of Science program in Real-World Evidence.

Program Highlights:
A focus on reproducibility: With a curriculum designed around the OHDSI analytic framework, our students will have hands-on experience learning best-practices for designing studies and analyzing RWD within an ATLAS environment.

Flexible learning options: For those who need flexibility, we offer a 100% online study option, allowing you to learn and advance your career from anywhere in the world.

Scholarships available: Generous scholarships are on offer for students who choose to study in-person at our scenic Portland, Maine campus.

Application deadline to join our Fall 2024 cohort is August 1st.

For more information and to apply, visit Northeastern University’s Real-World Evidence MS Program.

Please reach out to RWE_at_northeastern_dot_edu with any questions.

Thank you,
Justin Manjourides
Program Director

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