Mobile App Support Forum

As mentioned quickly at the call:

For those that like to have the Forum in their pocket you can find it in the store it is called ‘Discourse’ in the App Store and is also available for Android in the Google Play Store.

It is a very nice app!

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Replying using the app. Thanks @Rijnbeek!

This is really great app. Thank you @Rijnbeek

@mvanzandt, Didn’t you say that we need an app to revitalize China WG?

@Rijnbeek Thank you. @SCYou Yes - This was something we discussed during the OHDSI Book Call today go great to know that this will work.

Not to be a total skeptic, but the user experience is very similar to using Safari or Chrome on mobile. I’d be curious to know if this target user group would actually find this “app” enough. What’s the barrier to entry for adoption on mobile? Remembering to log in?

Reply using APP. Revitalizing China WG.

Still don’t know how to @friends when using APP

It is actually great that the user experience is the same, however, you do get some extra stuff:

  1. If you are on multiple Discourse Fora, like I am, it is one single place to see what you are missing.
  2. I am very active on the forum of my EHDEN project and like the notification functionality on IPhone with the App, it gives me a nice popup with all missed conversations.

I agree for most the browser version is just fine, but for those strange people like me that like to be notified the app is very useful :slight_smile:
I also do not know if this solves the problem for the WG, however since @mvanzandt mentioned this could help, here it is.

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Sorry for being such a nay sayer. I trust you, @Rijnbeek. :slight_smile:

And welcome the community to be honest if we need additional strategies to increase user engagement. End the perpetual Skype chains! :wink:

@Rijnbeek @krfeeney Reason why I bring this up is because in the China OHDSI Working Group, everyone chats using WeChat on their mobile phones. This is why if the forum was mobile as well, then we can encourgae them to use the forum more often.

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