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Missing SQLserver table: results.achilles_results

Having been asked to update our webapi and atlas to v2.13.0.
That is done, but when I went to load OHDSI/Achilles package in RStudio, I found that out RStudio was out of date. I’ve installed a newer version and tried loading OHDSI/Achilles again. Now found that packages remotes, rlang, curl, bit, and cli needed reloaded as well. Finally got OHDSI/Achilles package working, but now am getting the following error running achilles scripts:

Thread: Main
Message: Error executing SQL:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot find the object “results.achilles_results” because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
An error report has been created at E:/bin/errorReportSql.txt
Level: FATAL
Time: 2023-06-15 18:53:42

Stack trace:
12: (function (condition)
if (is(condition, “error”)) {
11: signalCondition(cnd)
10: signal_abort(cnd, .file)
9: abort(paste(“Error executing SQL:”, message, paste("An error report has bee
8: .createErrorReport(dbms, err$message, sqlStatement, errorReportFile)
7: value[3]
6: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
5: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
4: tryCatch({
startQuery ← Sys.time()
lowLevelExecuteSql(connection, sq
3: DatabaseConnector::executeSql(connection = connection, sql = paste(indicesS
2: createIndices(connectionDetails = connectionDetails, resultsDatabaseSchema
1: Achilles::achilles(connectionDetails = con, cdmDatabaseSchema = “cdm”, resu

R version:
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)


Attached base packages:

  • stats
  • graphics
  • grDevices
  • utils
  • datasets
  • methods
  • base

Other attached packages:

1 Like

Did all of the analyses execute successfully? You can check this in the log_achilles.txt file.
