"min_levels_of_separation" and "max_levels_of_separation"

What is usage of “min_levels_of_separation” and “max_levels_of_separation”. They are two attributes defined in CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table? An example will be helpful.

Hi @pareshsinha,
Level of separation is a number of concepts between some ancestor_concept and descendant one in the hierarchy.
For each concept there can be several pathways to reach ancestor concept.
For example if you look for relationship between concept_id_1=4047584 (Lengthening of extraocular muscle)
and concept_id_2=4301351(Surgical procedure) you will see nothing. But you can find that:

4047584 (Lengthening of extraocular muscle)  ***Is a***  4214521 (Strabismus surgery) which in its turn  ***Is a***
4132804 (Surgical procedure for clinical finding and/or disorder) which ***Is a***  4301351(Surgical procedure)

Going these steps we see,that there are 3 relationships steps between
Lengthening of extraocular muscle and Surgical procedure
But there is another way:

 4047584 (Lengthening of extraocular muscle) ***Is a***  4214521 (Strabismus surgery)   ***Is a***
 4070457(Operation on extraocular muscle) ***Is a*** 4333146(Surgical procedure on orbit) ***Is a***
 4154279(Surgical procedure on eye region) ***Is a***  4233946(Operative procedure on head) ***Is a***
 4301351(Surgical procedure)

Having the same start- and endpoints we have passed through 6 relationships.

For each pair of concepts (which are indirectly related with the series of intermediate concepts) “min_levels_of_separation” and “max_levels_of_separation” show resp. minimal and maximal number of
intermediate concepts between them.

Note: each concept refers to itself in CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table(for such case both “min_levels_of_separation” and “max_levels_of_separation” are equal to 0)


Thank you Eldar! Very helpful description.

Perhaps this answer can be added to the wiki?


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A PR to this repository https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/ with your write up please!

Concept ancestor is not clear to most of us.

Added with a slightly simpler example :smile:

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