We have two data sources - clinical data and survey data. We would like to merge these data sources to get a holistic understanding of the patients. So to perform analysis, however I have to put the complete data (from two sources) into once CDM instance. Is my understanding right ? Or is it possible to have two sources separately as two CDM instances and still do analysis?
Through survey, we capture additional info about the patient profile (like social and lifestyle etc). We believe this can help us in understanding the patients better. So do you think the survey data, has to just be put in “Survey_Conduct” table and observation table and not necessarily be treated as a separate source?
I might totally be wrong here, can you guide me on this?
I’ve converted similar data (EHR + some social survey results) to OMOP CDM recently. Since surveys are more like additional information and do not contain enough variables to populate a separate CDM instance, they mostly ended up in Observation table, along with regular clinical data. But it still depends on what kind of survey data do you have.
One more thing – if you’re planning to leverage some of OHDSI tools (Achilles, Atlas, etc.), then having a single CDM instance would be much more convenient.
I know this thread has been 3 years old, but I am stuck in the situation:
I have transformed my REDCap survey data into CMD and saved in the observation table now and person table has the basic info of the patients.
Can you detailed some steps to use Atlas to run report please?
I have set up the Atlas running with WebAPI. I’ve set up webapi_source and webapi_source_daimon and from Atlas, I can select my database, but when I select observer, nohting loaded or displayed. What am I suppose to do at this point?