During the OHDSI call today, we mentioned building a mapping for Medicaid data to OMOP CDM. I am current working on mapping our RIF MAX dataset, but stalled due to other projects. I will be picking this back up in the next month or so. I have most of the non-cost related code finished. I have not started to work on the cost data since I do not have a great handle on it. We have 14 mainly southeast states from 2005-2009 ( PS, IP, OT, RX and LT files ) and all 50 for 2010-2011 ( PS, IP, OT and RX only ) in our database. I probably need to rewrite some of the code with some of my gained knowledge from working with other dataset conversions.
I am using postgresql for the backend.
I am not sure who else was interested in this. I think Bram brought it up originally.
Probably not too much for our medicaid dataset. It is under a pretty strict DUA from CMS regarding reuse. And I don’t think anyone would want to go through the trouble or cost to do a reuse agreement. I don’t think the fee is that high as you don’t have to pay for the data, but it is still paperwork to get through CMS and that can take some time and hand holding.
I am hoping that we can get agreement from some of our other data providers to allow some distributed research. Our problem is that we don’t actually produce data and usually just receive it for a single purpose use.
SynPUF is its own unique format. Highly correlated with Medicare data, but different. A number of fields are not available in SynPUF and some don’t have useful information. But one should be able to adapt the thinking from the SynPUF ETL for related Medicare and (hopefully) Medicaid data sets.